So, arrived in Edinburgh late 2nd August after waiting several hours at Copenhagen airport due to delayed flight. When I finally got to Edinburgh, the bus driver from the airport gave me wrong instructions on where to change to the local Edinburgh bus line, so I ended up doing a small sightseeing tour by foot.
But it was not raining, so no problem really.
3rd August was the date for my premiere show at this years Edinburgh Fringe. Did put up posters, handed out flyers, but realised that it was rather pointless to do any type of marketing except for just outside the venue itself.
Ten minutes before showstart nobody was there. I was thinking – OK, I might have to cancel already the first day. Three minutes before show start one person came and sat down. Then a few more and three minutes after original starting time a bunch of people came, and suddenly the room was full. People even had to stand up since there were no free seats.
I did roughly 45 minutes, and people in the audience laughed all the time. Some looked the their friend as if they were embarrassed for laughing – are we allowed to laugh at this? – , but they had fun and that is what counts.
The room itself was small – 25 seats – and so it got very hot very fast. So for the upcoming days I will try to limit my performance to around 40/45 minutes. The air in the room won’t last longer than that.
Anyway: nobody knows: in future it may be an empty room and I may have to cancel some days. But I can live with that, now that I know I can fill room and also make people laugh the whole show.
/Tomas A
Well Done !!!